The Core module contains functions that cannot be disabled. This module provides no game changing functionality on its own.
The module is primarily concerned with ensuring that the internal functions of the plugin can be accessed. Included in the command set are ways to force saving the latest data, reloading the plugin configuration, and deleting user information.
Note that changing module and command enabling statuses will not take effect until the server is restarted.
See our guide here
The following are incompatibilities that may occur with this module, along with how to resolve the problem. For the full mod/plugin incompatibility list, see the compatibility page.
No plugin incompatibilities have been reported.
Root command aliases:
Usage: /commandinfo <command>
Default Role: ADMIN
Basic Command Permission: nucleus.commandinfo.base
- Default Role: ADMIN The Nucleus command allows access to sub commands that administer the entire plugin.
Usage: /nucleus
Available subcommands: debug, itemalias, save, setupperms, reload, clearcache, update-messages, getuser, resetuser, docgen, printperms, rebuildusercache, info
Default Role: ADMIN
Basic Command Permission: nucleus.nucleus.base
- Default Role: ADMIN
nucleus clearcache
Usage: /nucleus clearcache
Default Role: ADMIN
Basic Command Permission: nucleus.nucleus.clearcache.base
- Default Role: ADMIN
nucleus debug
Usage: /nucleus debug
Available subcommands: setsession, getuuids, refreshuniquevisitors
Default Role: ADMIN
Basic Command Permission: nucleus.nucleus.debug.base
- Default Role: ADMIN nucleus.nucleus.debug.exempt.warmup
- Default Role: ADMIN nucleus.nucleus.debug.exempt.cooldown
- Default Role: ADMIN nucleus.nucleus.debug.exempt.cost
- Default Role: ADMIN
nucleus debug getuuids
Usage: /nucleus debug getuuids <user>
Default Role: ADMIN
Basic Command Permission: nucleus.nucleus.debug.getuuids.base
- Default Role: ADMIN
nucleus debug refreshuniquevisitors
Usage: /nucleus debug refreshuniquevisitors
Default Role: ADMIN
Basic Command Permission: nucleus.nucleus.debug.refreshuniquevisitors.base
- Default Role: ADMIN
nucleus debug setsession
Usage: /nucleus debug setsession [<true|false>]
Default Role: ADMIN
Basic Command Permission: nucleus.nucleus.debug.setsession.base
- Default Role: ADMIN nucleus.nucleus.debug.setsession.base
- Default Role: ADMIN nucleus.nucleus.debug.setsession.exempt.cooldown
- Default Role: ADMIN nucleus.nucleus.debug.setsession.exempt.warmup
- Default Role: ADMIN Occasionally, the Minecraft username cache gets out of sync with the rest of the system, and some commands that require a user fail. This command allows you to request updated information about a user from Mojang's server (via either a UUID or a current user name) and adds them to the cache.
nucleus getuser
Usage: /nucleus getuser <UUID>|<name>
Default Role: NONE
Basic Command Permission: nucleus.nucleus.getuser.base
- Default Role: NONE
nucleus info
Usage: /nucleus info
Default Role: OWNER
Basic Command Permission:
- Default Role: OWNER
nucleus itemalias
nucleus item
Usage: /nucleus itemalias
Available subcommands: set, clear, remove
Default Role: ADMIN
Basic Command Permission: nucleus.nucleus.itemalias.base
- Default Role: ADMIN
nucleus itemalias clear
Usage: /nucleus itemalias clear <item>
Default Role: ADMIN
Basic Command Permission: nucleus.nucleus.itemalias.clear.base
- Default Role: ADMIN
nucleus itemalias remove
nucleus itemalias del
Usage: /nucleus itemalias remove <>
Default Role: ADMIN
Basic Command Permission: nucleus.nucleus.itemalias.remove.base
- Default Role: ADMIN
nucleus itemalias set
Usage: /nucleus itemalias set [<item>] <alias>
Default Role: ADMIN
Basic Command Permission: nucleus.nucleus.itemalias.set.base
- Default Role: ADMIN
nucleus printperms
Usage: /nucleus printperms
Default Role: ADMIN
Basic Command Permission: nucleus.nucleus.printperms.base
- Default Role: ADMIN Some operations that we might want to do might want to look at offline and online players, but unfortunately, as we store things as separate user files, it would take a lot of processing to get some simple data. The cache copies this all into one place. However, there is a chance it'll go stale, this command asks Nucleus to rebuild the cache.
nucleus rebuildusercache
Usage: /nucleus rebuildusercache
Default Role: OWNER
Basic Command Permission: nucleus.nucleus.rebuildusercache.base
- Default Role: OWNER
This command will reload everything EXCEPT whether modules and/or commands are enabled.
A restart of the entire server is required for these two actions to take effect.
nucleus reload
Usage: /nucleus reload
Default Role: ADMIN
Basic Command Permission: nucleus.nucleus.reload.base
- Default Role: ADMIN
This can be useful to clear out everything Nucleus knows about a player. However, if you want to delete Minecraft data, pass the "-a" flag.
This will not delete data stored by other plugins about this player.
nucleus resetuser
Usage: /nucleus resetuser [-a|--all] <user>|<UUID>
Default Role: OWNER
Basic Command Permission: nucleus.nucleus.resetuser.base
- Default Role: OWNER
nucleus save
Usage: /nucleus save
Default Role: ADMIN
Basic Command Permission:
- Default Role: ADMIN
There are three flags for this command:
* -r: if set, all Nucleus permissions will be set regardless of whether they have been set before. Else, only those that the permissions plugindoes not report have been set are set will be set to true.
* -i: Apply the perms from the selected role and lower to this group (so, if ADMIN is selected, MOD and USER perms will be applied to the group too).
* -g: Create "admin" and "mod" groups, setup inheritance, and apply default permissions (should only be used for new servers).
* "-g -y": Bypasses the info given by `-g` on its own.
The permissions that are applied will be added to the console.
nucleus setupperms
nucleus setperms
Usage: /nucleus setupperms -g [-y]|[-r|--reset] [-i|--inherit] <Nucleus Role> <Permission Group>
Default Role: OWNER
Basic Command Permission: nucleus.nucleus.setupperms.base
- Default Role: OWNER
nucleus update-messages
Usage: /nucleus update-messages [-y]
Default Role: OWNER
Basic Command Permission: nucleus.nucleus.update-messages.base
- Default Role: OWNER
User Preferences allow players to customise a subset of Nucleus functions themselves, such as vanish on login, should they havepermission to do so. Users can:
* list preferences that are relevant to them by running the command with no arguments;
* get a specific preference by running the command with the name of a preference key;
* set a specific preference by running the command with the name of the preference key and the new value.
Other user's preferences can be inspected by those with the "others" permission for this command.
Usage: /nuserprefs [<user>] [<preference> [value]]
Default Role: USER
Basic Command Permission: nucleus.userprefs.base
- Default Role: USER nucleus.userprefs.others
- Default Role: ADMIN Permission | Suggested Role | Description |
nucleus.commandinfo.base | ADMIN | Allows the user to run the command /commandinfo |
nucleus.nucleus.base | ADMIN | Allows the user to run the command /nucleus |
nucleus.nucleus.clearcache.base | ADMIN | Allows the user to run the command /nucleus clearcache |
nucleus.nucleus.debug.base | ADMIN | Allows the user to run the command /nucleus debug |
nucleus.nucleus.debug.exempt.cooldown | ADMIN | Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /nucleus debug |
nucleus.nucleus.debug.exempt.cost | ADMIN | Allows the user to bypass the cost for /nucleus debug |
nucleus.nucleus.debug.exempt.warmup | ADMIN | Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /nucleus debug |
nucleus.nucleus.debug.getuuids.base | ADMIN | Allows the user to run the command /debug getuuids |
nucleus.nucleus.debug.refreshuniquevisitors.base | ADMIN | Allows the user to run the command /debug refreshuniquevisitors |
nucleus.nucleus.debug.setsession.base | ADMIN | Allows the user to run the command /debug setsession |
nucleus.nucleus.debug.setsession.exempt.cooldown | ADMIN | Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /debug setsession |
nucleus.nucleus.debug.setsession.exempt.cost | ADMIN | Allows the user to bypass the cost for /debug setsession |
nucleus.nucleus.debug.setsession.exempt.warmup | ADMIN | Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /debug setsession |
nucleus.nucleus.getuser.base | NONE | Allows the user to run the command /nucleus getuser | | OWNER | Allows the user to run the command /nucleus info |
nucleus.nucleus.itemalias.base | ADMIN | Allows the user to run the command /nucleus itemalias |
nucleus.nucleus.itemalias.clear.base | ADMIN | Allows the user to run the command /itemalias clear |
nucleus.nucleus.itemalias.remove.base | ADMIN | Allows the user to run the command /itemalias remove |
nucleus.nucleus.itemalias.set.base | ADMIN | Allows the user to run the command /itemalias set |
nucleus.nucleus.printperms.base | ADMIN | Allows the user to run the command /nucleus printperms |
nucleus.nucleus.rebuildusercache.base | OWNER | Allows the user to run the command /nucleus rebuildusercache |
nucleus.nucleus.reload.base | ADMIN | Allows the user to run the command /nucleus reload |
nucleus.nucleus.resetuser.base | OWNER | Allows the user to run the command /nucleus resetuser | | ADMIN | Allows the user to run the command /nucleus save |
nucleus.nucleus.setupperms.base | OWNER | Allows the user to run the command /nucleus setupperms |
nucleus.nucleus.update-messages.base | OWNER | Allows the user to run the command /nucleus update-messages |
nucleus.userprefs.base | USER | Allows the user to run the command /nuserprefs |
nucleus.userprefs.others | ADMIN | Allows the user to target other players using the command "nuserprefs". |
# If set, Nucleus will attempt to autodetect the appropriate language for your system. If false, if a language packis not available, Nucleus will attempt to use UK English (en_GB). attempt-lanugage-autodetect=true # If true, if you log in and have the "wildcard" permission (either * or 'nucleus'), you will be warned of the potential issues caused by the wildcard. If you use the wildcard and are happy with this, set this to false. check-for-wildcard=true # If set, this command will be suggested if a player clicks on the user name in chat in templated messages. Use {{player}} to indicate the player name. command-on-name-click="/msg {{subject}}" # If true, commands executed by the console can affect players that normally have an exempt permission against the command. console-overrides-exemptions=true # Specifies the path to save nucleus data files in. By default, files are saved at the root. Paths can be relative or absolute. # # BE AWARE. Changing this location has the following caveats: # * This will only take effect after a restart. # * Files are NOT moved from the old location, you must do this yourself. # * Files will be in a "nucleus" subdirectory of your selected location. # * If the path indicated cannot be found, this will be ignored. It **must** exist beforehand. # * Minecraft data (as opposed to Nucleus data) is unaffected. # # Common areas that you might want to put the data directory in are (using UNIX paths): # * "config/nucleus" for data in the Nucleus config data directory # * "world" for storing data in the primary world directory. # # DO NOT CHANGE THIS UNLESS YOU ARE SURE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. Most admins do not need to move the data directory and should leave this option as "default". data-file-location=default # Enables debug mode, which will cause stack traces from commands to be printed to the console. debug-mode=false # If true, then the permissions "nucleus.owner", "nucleus.admin", "nucleus.mod" and "nucleus.user" can be used as permissionsto grant all suggested permissions for these levels. Note that: # # * /nucleus setupperms will exist, but will be unnecessary for those using this permission structure # * Any specific permissions WILL override these permissions (so, setting `nucleus.home.base` to `false` should override `nucleus.user` being true for that specific permission. # # These permissions are designed to avoid the use of the wildcard. Some permissions are not given with these catch-alls, this is by design - the permission to vanish on login (for example) must ALWAYS be given separately. enable-parent-perms=true # If true, any command that takes a player nickname will attempt to partially match the usernames, which may cause a performance drop on larger servers. enable-partial-name-matching=true kick-on-stop { # If true, Nucleus will kick all users just prior to the server stopping. enabled=false # The message to display to players when restarting the server. Overridden when using the /stop [reason] command. message=null } # When trying to calculate the number of visitors, having this enabled will include visitors before Nucleus was installed, but may cause incompatibilities with other plugins that do not register data keys during startup. For compatibility, this should be false, for accuracy, this can be true. more-accurate-visitor-count=false # Determines the maximum number of offline user entries that are returned for Nucleus commands that allow offline user targeting. offline-user-tab-limit=20 # If set to "default", uses the default system language if it exists in Nucleus. If set to a language code, Nucleus will try to use that as the default language. Nucleus is primarily written in "en-GB". # # Community translation support is being explored. Please visit us on Discord to ask how you can help translate Nucleus into your own language. override-language=default # If true, Nucleus will print a message when a permission is checked that has not been properly registered. This usually indicates a Nucleus issue and should be reported to the Nucleus github. print-message-when-permission-isnt-registered=false # Prints to console when a Nucleus save is occurring. print-on-autosave=false # These parameters define how far out to check from a specific point when performing a warp. Larger numbers mean that a wider area is checked, but large numbers will cause server lag. The defaults are sufficient in most cases. safe-teleport-check { height=3 width=9 } # If true and no economy or permission plugin is detected, Nucleus will print a warning on startup. Set this to false if you don't have one of these types of plugins and you're OK with that. show-warning-on-startup=true # If true, a "messages.conf" file will be generated and used to define custom messages. use-custom-message-file=false # If true, cancel a user's warmup on... warmup-canceling { # running a command cancel-on-command=true # movement cancel-on-move=true } # If you are having issues because a world UUID changed and you were unable to fix it, this allows you to redirect old UUIDs to new ones (or world names). This is a map of old world UUIDs to new world names or new world UUIDs, the following are both valid: # # "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000"="world" # # "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000"="1b671a64-40d5-491e-99b0-da01ff1f3341" # # Other plugins will be able to check this map to perform their own migrations, support for that is up to those plugins. world-uuid-migration {}