Module: Message - Module ID: message


The Message module allows players to send private messages to each other. These messages can be read by staff members with “social spy” permissions.

Social Spy

By default, those with “social spy” can see every message that players send. This can be turned on by players with the permission nucleus.socialspy.base using the command /socialspy.

Forcing Social Spy on players

If you want to force someone to have Social Spy, give them the permissions nucleus.socialspy.base AND nucleus.socialspy.force.

Social Spy Levels

However, for server owners who want more control, Nucleus offers a finer grained control mechanism, social spy levels.

To enable social spy levels, in main.conf, set message.socialspy.use-levels to true, and use /nucleus reload. Ensure you are using a permissions plugin that supports options.

To set a player’s social spy level, set the option nucleus.socialspy.level to an integer. By default, a player’s level is zero.

For users:


For groups:


Players with social spy can then see the messages of those with levels below theirs. If message.socialspy.same-levels-can-see-each-other is set to true, then social spies can see messages of those at their own level too.


/helpop [message] is a feature ported over from Essentials that allows players to quickly grab staff members attention. To use it, players must have the nucleus.helpop.base permission, and staff members must have the nucleus.helpop.receive permission to read these messages.

The following are incompatibilities that may occur with this module, along with how to resolve the problem. For the full mod/plugin incompatibility list, see the compatibility page.

No plugin incompatibilities have been reported.

Module: message
Send a message to all available staff

Aliases: helpop

Root command aliases: /nhelpop

Usage: /helpop <message…>

Default Role: USER

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.helpop.base


  • nucleus.helpop.exempt.cost - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the cost for /helpop
  • nucleus.helpop.receive - Default Role: MOD
    Allows the user to receive message via /helpop
  • nucleus.helpop.exempt.warmup - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /helpop
  • nucleus.helpop.exempt.cooldown - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /helpop
  • nucleus.helpop.base - Default Role: USER
    Allows the user to run the command /helpop

This command is an equivalent to the following command(s) in Essentials: /helpop, /amsg, /ac

Module: message
Send a message to a player, or the console with "-".

Aliases: message m msg whisper w t

Root command aliases: /tell /nmessage

Usage: /message <to>|<to> <message…>

Default Role: USER

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.message.base


  • nucleus.message.exempt.warmup - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /reply, Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /message
  • nucleus.message.exempt.cost - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the cost for /reply, Allows the user to bypass the cost for /message
  • - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows user to use styles into messages.
  • nucleus.message.magic - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows user to use magic characters into messages.
  • nucleus.message.color - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows user to type colors into messages.
  • nucleus.message.base - Default Role: USER
    Allows the user to run the command /reply, Allows the user to run the command /message
  • nucleus.message.colour - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows user to type colours into messages.
  • nucleus.message.url - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows user to type clickable URLs into messages.
  • nucleus.message.exempt.cooldown - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /reply, Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /message

This command is an equivalent to the following command(s) in Essentials: /msg, /tell, /m, /t, /whisper

Module: message
Prevent players from private messaging you.

If you have this toggled to false, players with the "nucleus.msgtoggle.bypass" permission can still message you.

Aliases: msgtoggle messagetoggle mtoggle

Root command aliases: /nmsgtoggle

Usage: /msgtoggle [<true|false>]

Default Role: ADMIN

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.msgtoggle.base


  • nucleus.msgtoggle.bypass - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to send a message to players that have set "/msgtoggle" to false.
  • nucleus.msgtoggle.base - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to run the command /msgtoggle
Module: message
Send a message to the last player that sent you a message.

Aliases: reply r

Root command aliases: /nreply

Usage: /reply <message…>

Default Role: USER

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.message.base


  • nucleus.message.exempt.warmup - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /reply, Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /message
  • nucleus.message.exempt.cost - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the cost for /reply, Allows the user to bypass the cost for /message
  • nucleus.message.base - Default Role: USER
    Allows the user to run the command /reply, Allows the user to run the command /message
  • nucleus.message.exempt.cooldown - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /reply, Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /message

This command is an equivalent to the following command(s) in Essentials: /r, /reply

Module: message
See all private messages sent to other players.

Aliases: socialspy

Root command aliases: /nsocialspy

Usage: /socialspy [<true|false>]

Default Role: MOD

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.socialspy.base


  • nucleus.socialspy.base - Default Role: MOD
    Allows the user to run the command /socialspy
  • nucleus.socialspy.force - Default Role: NONE
    If granted, along with the "nucleus.socialspy.base" permission, the target player cannot turn social spy off.

This command is an equivalent to the following command(s) in Essentials: /socialspy

Permission Suggested Role Description
nucleus.helpop.base USER Allows the user to run the command /helpop
nucleus.helpop.exempt.cooldown ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /helpop
nucleus.helpop.exempt.cost ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the cost for /helpop
nucleus.helpop.exempt.warmup ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /helpop
nucleus.helpop.receive MOD Allows the user to receive message via /helpop
nucleus.message.base USER Allows the user to run the command /reply, Allows the user to run the command /message
nucleus.message.color ADMIN Allows user to type colors into messages.
nucleus.message.colour ADMIN Allows user to type colours into messages.
nucleus.message.exempt.cooldown ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /reply, Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /message
nucleus.message.exempt.cost ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the cost for /reply, Allows the user to bypass the cost for /message
nucleus.message.exempt.warmup ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /reply, Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /message
nucleus.message.magic ADMIN Allows user to use magic characters into messages. ADMIN Allows user to use styles into messages.
nucleus.message.url ADMIN Allows user to type clickable URLs into messages.
nucleus.msgtoggle.base ADMIN Allows the user to run the command /msgtoggle
nucleus.msgtoggle.bypass ADMIN Allows the user to send a message to players that have set "/msgtoggle" to false.
nucleus.socialspy.base MOD Allows the user to run the command /socialspy
nucleus.socialspy.force NONE If granted, along with the "nucleus.socialspy.base" permission, the target player cannot turn social spy off.
The following configuration is the default for this module:
# The prefix to any message received via /helpop.
helpop-prefix="&7HelpOp: {{name}} &7> &r"
# The prefix for received messages. This is displayed to the receiever. Use {{from}} and {{to}} for the message sender/receiver, {{fromDisplay}} or {{toDisplay}} for the display names.
msg-receiver-prefix="&7[{{fromDisplay}}&7 -> me]: &r"
# The prefix for sent messages. This is displayed to the sender. Use {{from}} and {{to}} for the message sender/receiver, {{fromDisplay}} or {{toDisplay}} for the display names.
msg-sender-prefix="&7[me -> {{toDisplay}}&7]: &r"
socialspy {
    # If true, Nucleus will check the "nucleus.socialspy.force" permission on the subject to disallow disabling Social Spy.
    # The tag to show at the beginning of a Social Spy message when a player is muted (or otherwise has the message cancelled).
    cancelled-messages-tag="&c[cancelled] "
    # Sets the social spy level of the server and any custom message targets.
    levels {
        # The social spy level of any custom target that has been registered through the API.
        # The server's social spy level.
    # 'The prefix and format for messages sent to social spies. Use {{from}} and {{to}} for the message sender/receiver, {{fromDisplay}} or {{toDisplay}} for the display names. The colours and style at the end of the prefix will be carried over into the message.'
    msg-prefix="&7[SocialSpy] [{{fromDisplay}}&7 -> {{toDisplay}}&7]: &r"
    # The tag to show at the beginning of a Social Spy message when a player cannot send a message to a player who hasused /msgtoggle (blocking messages from all players).
    msgtoggle-blocked-messages-tag="&c[blocked] "
    # If true, and "use-levels" is true, players with social spy will also see messages from players at their own level.
    # Controls the types of *sender* that can be spied on.
    senders-to-spy-on {
    # If true, show messages that players try to send and are cancelled (usually due to being muted).
    # If true, Nucleus will check the "nucleus.socialspy.level" option on the subject for an integer level. A level can see their messages from and to players with levels below their own, 
    # unless "same-levels-can-see-each-other" is set to true, in which case, social spies can see messages from their own level. Players have a default level of 0.