Module: Player Info - Module ID: playerinfo


The Player Info module displays basic information about players on the server.

Listing all players

Nucleus provides an enhanced version of the /list command that can be customised. In main.conf, if is set to true, Nucleus will try to group all players by their permission groups. The group that is selected will be the one that it furthest in the inheritance chain - that is, has the longest chain to a root group. If the group cannot be determined, the text in playerinfo.list.default-group-name will be used as the group name in the /list.

If you are running Multicraft, set multicraft-compatibility to true. This should send the original /list command to the console when it is run from the console.

If you want a bit more control over your groups, then Nucleus allows for that too.

Group weighting

Groups can have a list weight, determining which one is used as a display group if a player has more than one group, overriding Nucleus’ standard ordering. By adding the permission option nucleus.list.weight on the group with a number, a player in multiple groups will be displayed as part of the highest weighted group.

Group aliasing

Groups can be given an friendly display name in list, and multiple groups can have the same alias, so that players from both groups will be shown as if they are in a single group.

This can be defined in main.conf, You can add pairings like so:

permissionGroup="Friendly Name",
permissionGroup2="Friendly Name",
permissionGroup3="Friendly Name 2"

In this example, players in permission groups “permissionGroup” and “permissionGroup2” will be under the name “Friendly Name”, whilst those in “permissionGroup3” will be under the name “Friendly Name 2”.

The option use-aliases-only, if true, will only display a group if it has an explicit alias, else collapse into the default group.

Group ordering

The group ordering can be defined in main.conf, Groups can be listed in order here, and this will be reflected in /list. Note that you must keep the [], and it’s a comma separated list, where the names are enclosed in “ characters.

Any group aliases in this list will be listed in this order, above all other groups, which will be displayed in alphabetical order below.

Using /seen

/seen [player] will display all relevant information about a player. In the future, it is anticipated that plugins can hook into Nucleus’ /seen, allowing this command to be a central point for player information.

The following are incompatibilities that may occur with this module, along with how to resolve the problem. For the full mod/plugin incompatibility list, see the compatibility page.

No plugin incompatibilities have been reported.

Module: playerinfo
Gets all users last seen on the specified IP.

Aliases: getfromip

Root command aliases: /ngetfromip

Usage: /getfromip <IP Address>

Default Role: ADMIN

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.getfromip.base


  • nucleus.getfromip.exempt.warmup - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /getfromip
  • nucleus.getfromip.exempt.cost - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the cost for /getfromip
  • nucleus.getfromip.base - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to run the command /getfromip
  • nucleus.getfromip.exempt.cooldown - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /getfromip
Module: playerinfo
Gets the location of the executing or target player.

Aliases: getpos coords position whereami getlocation getloc

Root command aliases: /ngetpos

Usage: /getpos [<subject>]

Default Role: USER

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.getpos.base


  • nucleus.getpos.others - Default Role: MOD
    Allows the user to view the position of other players.
  • nucleus.getpos.exempt.cost - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the cost for /getpos
  • nucleus.getpos.base - Default Role: USER
    Allows the user to run the command /getpos
  • nucleus.getpos.exempt.cooldown - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /getpos
  • nucleus.getpos.exempt.warmup - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /getpos

This command is an equivalent to the following command(s) in Essentials: /getpos, /coords, /position, /whereami, /getlocation, /getloc

Module: playerinfo
Lists the players on the server.

Aliases: list listplayers ls

Root command aliases: /nlist

Usage: /list

Default Role: USER

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.list.base


  • nucleus.list.base - Default Role: USER
    Allows the user to run the command /list
  • nucleus.list.exempt.cooldown - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /list
  • nucleus.list.seevanished - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to see vanished players in /list.
  • nucleus.list.exempt.warmup - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /list
  • nucleus.list.exempt.cost - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the cost for /list

This command is an equivalent to the following command(s) in Essentials: /list, /who, /playerlist, /online, /plist

Module: playerinfo
List players nearby

Aliases: near

Root command aliases: /nnear

Usage: /near [<user>] [<radius>]

Default Role: USER

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.near.base


  • nucleus.near.base - Default Role: USER
    Allows the user to run the command /near
  • nucleus.near.exempt.cost - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the cost for /near
  • nucleus.near.exempt.cooldown - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /near
  • nucleus.near.maxexempt - Default Role: MOD
    Allows the user to bypass the maximum radius check
  • nucleus.near.others - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to target other players using the command "near".
  • nucleus.near.exempt.warmup - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /near

This command is an equivalent to the following command(s) in Essentials: /near

Module: playerinfo
Gets information about the specified player.

Aliases: seen seenplayer lookup

Root command aliases: /nseen

Usage: /seen <user uuid>|<user>

Default Role: ADMIN

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.seen.base


  • nucleus.seen.extended.flying - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the executor to see if the player can fly by double jumping, and if they are flying.
  • nucleus.seen.extended.uuid - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the executor to see the player's UUID.
  • nucleus.seen.extended.speed - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the executor to see the current walking and flying speeds of the player.
  • nucleus.seen.exempt.warmup - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /seen
  • nucleus.seen.extended - Default Role: NONE
    Allows the user to see extended information about a player in /seen.
  • nucleus.seen.base - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to run the command /seen
  • nucleus.seen.exempt.cost - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the cost for /seen
  • nucleus.seen.extended.location - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the executor to see the player's current location.
  • nucleus.seen.extended.ip - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the executor to see the player's IP.
  • nucleus.seen.extended.lastplayed - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the executor to see the date when the player was on the server.
  • nucleus.seen.exempt.cooldown - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /seen
  • nucleus.seen.extended.firstplayed - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the executor to see when the player first joined the server.
  • nucleus.seen.extended.gamemode - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the executor to see the player's current game mode.

This command is an equivalent to the following command(s) in Essentials: /seen

Permission Suggested Role Description
nucleus.getfromip.base ADMIN Allows the user to run the command /getfromip
nucleus.getfromip.exempt.cooldown ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /getfromip
nucleus.getfromip.exempt.cost ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the cost for /getfromip
nucleus.getfromip.exempt.warmup ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /getfromip
nucleus.getpos.base USER Allows the user to run the command /getpos
nucleus.getpos.exempt.cooldown ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /getpos
nucleus.getpos.exempt.cost ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the cost for /getpos
nucleus.getpos.exempt.warmup ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /getpos
nucleus.getpos.others MOD Allows the user to view the position of other players.
nucleus.list.base USER Allows the user to run the command /list
nucleus.list.exempt.cooldown ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /list
nucleus.list.exempt.cost ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the cost for /list
nucleus.list.exempt.warmup ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /list
nucleus.list.seevanished ADMIN Allows the user to see vanished players in /list.
nucleus.near.base USER Allows the user to run the command /near
nucleus.near.exempt.cooldown ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /near
nucleus.near.exempt.cost ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the cost for /near
nucleus.near.exempt.warmup ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /near
nucleus.near.maxexempt MOD Allows the user to bypass the maximum radius check
nucleus.near.others ADMIN Allows the user to target other players using the command "near".
nucleus.seen.base ADMIN Allows the user to run the command /seen
nucleus.seen.exempt.cooldown ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the cooldown for /seen
nucleus.seen.exempt.cost ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the cost for /seen
nucleus.seen.exempt.warmup ADMIN Allows the user to bypass the warmup for /seen
nucleus.seen.extended NONE Allows the user to see extended information about a player in /seen.
nucleus.seen.extended.firstplayed ADMIN Allows the executor to see when the player first joined the server.
nucleus.seen.extended.flying ADMIN Allows the executor to see if the player can fly by double jumping, and if they are flying.
nucleus.seen.extended.gamemode ADMIN Allows the executor to see the player's current game mode.
nucleus.seen.extended.ip ADMIN Allows the executor to see the player's IP.
nucleus.seen.extended.lastplayed ADMIN Allows the executor to see the date when the player was on the server.
nucleus.seen.extended.location ADMIN Allows the executor to see the player's current location.
nucleus.seen.extended.speed ADMIN Allows the executor to see the current walking and flying speeds of the player.
nucleus.seen.extended.uuid ADMIN Allows the executor to see the player's UUID.
The following configuration is the default for this module:
list {
    # If true, /list will be displayed in a compact form.
    # If compact /list is enabled, this specifies how many players will be sent in one line. If clients are disconnecting when running list, lower the number.
    list-grouping-by-permission {
        # If listing by groups is enabled, the group name to display when a player is not in a group.
        # If enabled, list players by their groups.
        # If listing by groups is enabled, then any group listed here (on the left side of an equals sign) will be given the display name on the right hand side.
        # Multiple groups can be given the same alias, they will be grouped together.
        group-aliases {
            example-default-group="Default Group"
            example-default-group-2="Default Group"
        # Any group aliases in this list will be listed in this order, above all other groups, which will be displayed in alphabetical order below.
        # If true, if an alias hasn't been defined for a group in the `group-aliases` section, it's considered as part of the `default` group.
    # Enable this if you are using a server panel, such as Multicraft or PterodactylPanel. This will run /minecraft:list when /list is run on the console.
    # The template to use to display a player's name. Uses the same tokens as chat. Defaults to "{{displayname}}".
near {
    # The max radius for the /near command, bypassable with  nucleus.near.maxexempt
seen {
    # If true, the permission "nucleus.seen.extended" is required for all information that comes from modules. If false, information will be displayed based on the command permissions a player has (so, a player with check ban rights can see banning information).