Module: Warnings - Module ID: warn


The warnings module adds the ability to give warnings to players, this can help to keep track of bad behaviour. Users with permission can hand out warnings with an optional duration, if a duration is provided once it’s end is reached it will be flagged as expired and hidden from view unless explicitly requested using the --expired flag with the /checkwarnings command.

Warning a player

The syntax of the warn command is

/warn <player> [<duration>] <reason?>

The duration is in the Timespan Argument format. If no duration is provided the warning is set to the default length of time specified in the configuration.

Checking a player’s warnings

The command /checkwarnings <player> checks the active warnings of a player and displays them using the pagination service to the command source.

To display expired warnings, you can use on of the following flags:

  • --all or -a to show all warnings (including expired).
  • --expired or -e to show expired warnings only.

Expiring and clearing a warning

To remove a player’s warning, you can either use /checkwarnings command and click on links in the chat, or use the /removewarning command. `

The syntax of the command is:

/removewarning [-remove|-r <remove>] <user> <index>

The index/ID can be obtained through /checkwarnings. To delete a warning permanently, even if expired warnings are on, add the -r flag.

Clearing all warnings

The syntax to remove all of a player’s warnings is:

/clearwarnings [-remove|-r <remove>] [-all|-a <all>] [-expired|-e <expired>] <player>

The following flags may be used:

  • --all or -a removes all warnings permanently.
  • --expired or -e removes all expired warnings only.
  • --remove or -r which removes all active warnings permanently.


  • default-length - The default length a warning is set to if no length is provided (in seconds), set to -1 for infinite or the maximum length. Default value: -1
  • expire-warnings - If true, a record of players warnings will be kept as expired warnings. If false, they will be deleted instead. Default value: true
  • maximum-warn-length - The maximum length a warning may last for (in seconds), set to -1 for no maximum. Default value: 604800 (1 week)
  • minimum-warn-length - The minimum length a warning will last before expiring (in seconds), set to -1 for no minimum. Default value: -1
  • show-login - If true, players will be shown their active warnings when they login. If false, they will not. Default value: true
  • action-command - The command to execute when a player has a specific number of warnings. Defaults to tempbanning a player for a day.
  • warnings-before-action - The number of active warnings a player has to attain before the action-command is run against them. Defaults to 5, can be disabled by setting to -1.

The following are incompatibilities that may occur with this module, along with how to resolve the problem. For the full mod/plugin incompatibility list, see the compatibility page.

No plugin incompatibilities have been reported.

Module: warn
Allows the user to check a player's warnings.

Aliases: checkwarnings checkwarn warnings

Root command aliases: /ncheckwarnings

Usage: /checkwarnings [--all|-a] [--expired|-e] <subject>

Default Role: MOD

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.checkwarnings.base


  • nucleus.checkwarnings.base - Default Role: MOD
    Allows the user to run the command /checkwarnings
Module: warn
Allows the user to clear a player's warnings.

Aliases: clearwarnings removeallwarnings

Root command aliases: /nclearwarnings

Usage: /clearwarnings [--remove|-r] [--all|-a] [--expired|-e] <subject>

Default Role: ADMIN

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.clearwarnings.base


  • nucleus.clearwarnings.base - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to run the command /clearwarnings
Module: warn
Allows the user to delete a specific warning attached to a player.

Aliases: removewarning deletewarning delwarn

Root command aliases: /nremovewarning

Usage: /removewarning [--remove|-r] <user> <ID>

Default Role: ADMIN

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.removewarning.base


  • nucleus.removewarning.base - Default Role: ADMIN
    Allows the user to run the command /removewarning
Module: warn
Allows the user to add a warning to a player.

Aliases: warn warning addwarning

Root command aliases: /nwarn

Usage: /warn <user> [<duration>] <reason…>

Default Role: MOD

Basic Command Permission: nucleus.warn.base


  • nucleus.warn.notify - Default Role: MOD
    Notifies the user about warnings when they occur.
  • nucleus.warn.base - Default Role: MOD
    Allows the user to run the command /warn
  • - Default Role: MOD
    Exempts the user from being a target of the /warn command.
  • nucleus.warn.exempt.length - Default Role: MOD
    Allows the user to bypass the maximum and minimum warning lengths.
Permission Suggested Role Description
nucleus.checkwarnings.base MOD Allows the user to run the command /checkwarnings
nucleus.clearwarnings.base ADMIN Allows the user to run the command /clearwarnings
nucleus.removewarning.base ADMIN Allows the user to run the command /removewarning
nucleus.warn.base MOD Allows the user to run the command /warn
nucleus.warn.exempt.length MOD Allows the user to bypass the maximum and minimum warning lengths. MOD Exempts the user from being a target of the /warn command.
nucleus.warn.notify MOD Notifies the user about warnings when they occur.
nucleus.warn.showonlogin MOD Allows user to see other users warnings when they login.
The following configuration is the default for this module:
# The command to execute when a player has a specific number of warnings.
action-command="tempban {{name}} 1d Exceeding the active warning threshold"
# The default length a warning is set to if no length is provided (in seconds). Set to -1 for no maximum.
# If true, a record of players warnings will be kept as 'expired warnings'. If false, they will not.
# The maximum length a warning may last for (in seconds). Set to -1 for no maximum.
# The minimum length a warning will last before expiring (in seconds). Set to -1 for no minimum.
# If true, players will be shown all their warnings when they login. If false, they will not.
# The number of active warnings a player must accumulate before the action command is executed. Set to -1 to disable.